World Peace Mission
Mahavatar Babaji wrote:
“My messengers, Sai Baba, Dalai Lama, Rave Shankar, Mahesha Yogi, Elizabeth Holman, Elizabeth from Austria, and many others are conveying the message of love and peace.”
Cry on Mountain: The Message of Mahavatar Babaji, 2011 p.248.
Babaji is calling you to join his messenger, Swami Aliananda Paramahansa (Elizabeth Holman). He took her to see the Dalai Lama in 2003 to talk about the World Peace Mission, given to her by Mahavatar Babaji.
Swami Aliananda Paramahansa is here as a teacher to strengthen your Supreme nature, to awaken you to your soul light and to the light of the Atma within.
The World Peace Mission is the umbrella under which all Swami Aliananda Paramahansa’s teachings are grouped, including Kriya Yoga breathing and meditation.
She gently awakens you to the path of finding your soul essence, the beauty, the peace within you, through the sacred practice of Kriya Yoga breathing, visualisation, meditation, pilgrimage, Wisdom Truth teachings and World Peace Mission workshops.
When your mind is peaceful, you are not creating suffering for yourself or the world; you love wherever you are, whatever you are doing and whomever you are with. You love the holy realm of the world, and know that the light in every human being is The Supreme light of love. Your soul has awakened to be of service to the light in love and peace for the world and humanity. The light of your heart and mind becomes one, and you open to the realisation that everything is created in love, the breath of God and peace.
Here in the light is peace, grace, beauty and love, and it is this energy that creates The World Peace Mission. Let us be lights all over the world for peace.
World Peace Mission Prayer
Let us come together,
Creating peace in the world,
Love in our hearts,
Peace in our minds,
Heaven on earth.
World Peace Mission Statement
Let us come together
Creating peace in the world
Love in our hearts
Peace in our minds
Heaven on earth.
When the earth is
Singing her song
The whales sing too
Humanity sings
The birds sing
To heal the world
Humanity must sing
The song of peace and harmony
Which makes joy.
Joy is the resonance of
Divine creation
Divine love
Divine breath.
Joy is the great rejoice
The Holy breath of God
The highest rejoicement is
God only God.
We must not wander away
From the rejoicement
The purpose of the mission
Is to find rejoicement
In our hearts and minds.
The breath, the Holy breath
In breathing the Holy breath
We unite with the cosmic ocean of rejoicement.
We live heaven on Earth
We are who we are
Holy beautiful humanity
Living in a cosmic heavenly world.
Sing your song
Sing for me
Sing for rejoicement
Your life is rejoicing.
Rejoicement means: Delight, Gladness, Joy, Exaltation.
All traditions and faiths are welcome to join the Mission.
In one of our meditations and visualisations, we form a divine grail, a divine grail of light to heal ourselves and the world. Our hearts, our compassion, form a sacred grail to support and change the world, the suffering of humanity and hold it in love and peace.
Swami Aliananda Paramahansa
The name given to Swami Aliananda Paramahansa in Nainital in 2005, by Mahavatar Babaji means:
Swami – Teacher, Carer
Ali – Highest, Highest Rejoicement
Ananda – Bliss
Parama – Supreme Soul
Hansa (Hamsa) – Swan/Brahma. Signifies the link between heaven and earth to awaken you to God/Brahma.
Swami’s Mission Teachings
Swami Aliananda Paramahansa’s Mission teachings are:
- Wisdom Truth Teaching
- Guided Imagery/Visualisation
- Meditation
- Sacred Pilgrimage workshops to St Michael’s Mount and other sacred sites in Southwest Cornwall
- Sunday half hour meditation for peace in the world on Zoom
- Kriya Yoga Sacred Breathing
- Kriya Yoga Initiation
- Zoom Teachings for Kriya Yoga