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Thank you or the loving accompaniment of the Tuesday and Thursday groups the World Peace Mission with Swami Aliananda Paramahansa, it’s just indescribably wonderful to be able to be there! These hours with all of you fill my life with light and love.

This is to express my deep felt gratitude for the lovely and wonderful teachings. You have truly explained in the most simple way possible about the misjudgements, the mind creates. The beauty of the simplicity of your teachings is that it is understood easily.

Kriya Yoga has helped to bring back a sense of hope and joy in my life. I find the sessions calming yet energising and I always gain a new insight into myself. I have tried different modalities but Kriya has provided some answers that I was unable to find elsewhere.

I have been watching some of your videos on YouTube and had an urge to get in touch and express my thanks. Kriya Yoga has been a wonderful tool in my life and it has given me peace, contentment and a fearlessness to take those all important leaps of faith. It’s changed my life.

My dearest Swamiji, my Beloved Aliananda, my Guru,

To work with you on the chakras touched me in the depth of my heart, my soul, my body, my whole being. I really loved walking with you this path for four weeks, doing two chakras a week.

We started with the crown and the brow and I felt my inner pillar of light increasing. Death is immortal Divine, I am contemplating on these words since I heard them in the first lesson.

Then going through throat and heart with you I nowadays realize that I can speak out my truth free, gentle and sincere.

In the third week you lead us through our solar plexus and sakral chakras and during this lesson I am allowed to harmonize willpower and creation.Thy will done through me, relationships, sexuality, all coming into harmony and peace inside me, as I feel.

Going through the root and the Alta Major with you is completing the visionary journey. Filled by the light of the Divine, pulsating and breathing with the Divine and Mother Earth I experience myself like a chalice overflowing overflowing overflowing. The heart is the greatest well.

I found it so helpful to journey with you. Love and light spreading into my family, it’s much easier for me now. It really was a life-changing experience for me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I feel that I have a much deeper understanding of the Kriya Yoga breaths and process. I love the way you (Swami Aliananda Paramahansa) teach, it was so spontaneous and yet you impart so much important knowledge within your stories and your conversations along the way. So uplifting.

For me it really came together yesterday in our final lesson and I will be privileged to be part of your meditation groups in the future. It was also nice to meet the other people in the community and it’s amazing how much we all got to know each other even though it was on Zoom!

Thank you so much for the most amazing four-week immersions in Kriya Yoga – what a wonderful introduction for me. I have been studying with the Way of Mastery global group for over four years (Jeshua’s teachings) and Kriya Yoga is bringing in another energy that feels crucial in my spiritual evolvement.

Thank you so much for the meditation and the beautiful blessing, anointing that came my way. Something very special took place for me and working with both Babaji and Jeshua is my Pathway, I feel. So, this new energy feels amazing. I look forward to working more with you and visiting your Ashram in Cornwall.

I liked the fact that Swami kept the teachings as simple as possible. Overall, I felt energised and light. I noticed nice little changes are taking place and these are significant.

I have been continuing to practice Kriya every day and intend to continue doing so. Swami Aliananda Paramahansa’s prayers are a blessing – I have joined in her regular Zoom sessions and would highly recommend the Kriya Yoga for Beginners course to others.

Thank you for doing this online Kriya Yoga for Beginners course for four weeks! I enjoyed it very much and hopefully will see you again.

When I first read about the course, actually I was glad not to have to travel that far to Cornwall, and I on the other hand I was amazed to do a meditation course online. But it worked very good and I am glad I joined it! I hope that the online course will continue (Thursday’s session translated to German), because it is a lot easier to do it with Swami Aliananda than to sit alone.

During the breaths and the meditation I usually do not want to stop, because it feels so peaceful, harmonious, joyful… but I know, it has to end sometime.

I am trying to do the breaths every day, sometimes it works better, sometimes not so good – but it is fine. When we do the guided imagery journeys, I can imagine situations, objects, feelings quite good.

I recommended and will recommend the Kriya Yoga for Beginners course to others. Thank you for providing such a wonderful, joyful time!

I think it is fair to say that the course exceeded my expectations! It was my first Zoom course, the set-up and communication was excellent.

There were clearly experienced practitioners alongside beginners and it was so warm and friendly – I felt welcome from the start!

The course itself was well-structured and progressive, giving time to learn and practice each stage of the breaths before moving on to the next. Swami explained and demonstrated the action and function of each of the breaths clearly, with precise pointers on how to feel the breaths physically, as well as providing detailed instruction on the movement of the breath through the chakras and the resulting effect upon them. I came to understand Kriya Yoga as a process for clearing the chakras and opening the mind and heart to a very sacred space.

As well as learning the practical aspects of the breathing techniques, Swami treated us to several vivid guided meditations and visualisations to help us connect to a sense of self that was beyond my previous experience.

After practicing the breaths I feel calmer, more present in the moment and a sense of relief from anxiety. I am able to access a deeper state of meditation using the Kriya breaths than any other technique I have tried before. I feel I am on the edge of something that only further exploration will shed light upon. That makes me feel excited, which in turn makes me feel very grateful for all the above!

I feel more grounded. My self-esteem has improved. I have been connected through Swami’s teachings to a sense of sacredness that I did not have before. I feel I have a sense of purpose and, whilst I don’t know exactly what it is yet, I do feel that the practice of Kriya Yoga will help me get closer to it.

I am trying to practise every day. The practice itself is easy to follow and the benefits are (almost immediately) tangible.

The accompanying materials sent after the course are brilliant, Swami recorded a message of further guidance to encourage practise after the course and I have felt welcome to join the weekly sessions to connect with others and receive further teachings. It is the warm welcome and the feeling of being in a deeply supportive environment whilst at the same time being on an independent and personal journey that helps me the most. I’m not sure I could ask for more than that! I intend to join the Thursday session regularly.

I would recommend the course to anyone who is seeking to find a connection to the sacred, or anyone who (like me) feels that there is something ‘missing’ or that they are just not “getting” from their current spiritual practice. I am very grateful to Swami Aliananda Paramahansa for holding that sacred space for beginners like me and providing a bridge through the words of her teachings and crystal clear visualisations from material to sacred experience. I have needed a guide to begin to understand my own connection to that which is sacred and Swami made it easy for me to see. It has been a very powerful and moving experience – life changing, in fact!

When the student is ready, the teacher will come. Indeed. I was ready for a deepened spiritual practice. I am already a meditation teacher. Spirit was listening. I friend talked about Autobiography of a Yogi, which I read enraptured, especially the final chapters. I was deeply moved. I already had an ATMA kriya yoga practice from classes with Yogi Ashokananda but they didn’t exactly mirror the teaching of Paramanhansa Yogananda, that is what I wished to find.

My wish was granted. Swami lives just down the road from me. I am now including the five breaths in daily practice – in the morning mostly, I find that easier, before the day begins. I have missed a couple but most days I am attentive and I will endeavour to continue. Once we are allowed to commune with people I shall probably convert my practice to include visits to the Shambala Ashram in Penzance.

I felt drawn to attend the first World Peace Mission in Penzance in 2015 really just out of curiosity to see what it was all about. The speakers were inspirational and it was great to feel a part of a movement devoted to World Peace. Swami Aliananda Paramahansa had a wonderful quality of presence and I determined to attend her Kriya Yoga sessions which I did the same week. The seed was sown and I water it daily by practicing my Kriya breaths and I AM CHANGING.

Although my mind persists in wandering whilst meditating I still feel a sense of deepening peace. I am much more appreciative of my life and I am more often stopped in my tracks when I see something beautiful, a child, a flower, a sunset. I feel such gratitude and love now for all my blessings past and present including having the privilege of working with Swami Aliananda Paramahansa, a devotional and inspirational teacher, without her teachings I would still be wandering in the wilderness.

Swami Aliananda Paramahansa is a living master full of love, authenticity and integrity. You have to be in her presence to feel this, or to hear her voice to sense this frequency of vibration of kindness and peace.

I feel such gratitude for your loving presence. For the inspiration you engender through that presence and through your connection to Babaji and the other masters. For the beauty of the visualisations you give.

Tuesday afternoon is a special time for me, away from the world a time of contemplation and peace in the presence of a wonderful being who emanates a luminosity difficult to explain, at times being with her is the closest I can imagine to being in the presence of God. Yet this beautiful woman is also so very human, down to earth, enjoys a joke and loves to eat and laugh with great gusto. More than this, Swami Aliananda Paramahansa is available to everyone who has a desire to enrich their lives.

I have learned more than I imagined, for me it has been a slow process ‘letting go’ of my expectations of family and friends and realising that it is me who must change (a hard lesson after so many years)! I have found that it does work. I still have a long way to go but with the teachings and love of this amazing Enlightened Master I have the chance to learn and to become more content and peaceful with who I am.

I have been participating in Kriya Yoga through the World Peace Mission for over two years now and I can truly say that I have, with the very meaningful meditation and friendships, grown emotionally. The weekly meetings have given me an inner peace and a renewed focus for my live ahead.

I was in a very stressful job and knew if things didn’t change I would become ill and my family life would suffer. My daughter was attending Kriya Yoga with Swami Aliananda Paramahansa in her Shambala Ashram in Penzance and suggested I came along as it was helping her in her life.

In January 2016 I attended the weekly gatherings and practiced Kriya Yoga and attended the World Peace Mission in February 2016 which was inspirational.

Over the weeks and months amazing things happened I found I was much calmer and more understanding at work and subtle changes happened. There was a reorganisation at work and my work load lessened and it was not so complicated. This had a knock on effect at home and family and friends said I was radiating light and energy and always smiling and happy.

I began to see life differently and what was important to me which was spending quality time with my family and friends, so at Christmas I retired and I am enjoying every minute.

Kriya Yoga breathing techniques lets you enjoy the silence and to go inside yourself and discover the real you and what is important to you. I will be eternally grateful to my daughter and Swami Aliananda Paramahansa for bringing it into my life.

Kriya Yoga and the World Peace Mission came into my life at a crucial time when my husband was in transition for his passing after a long illness. Kriya Yoga not only helped to prepare me that, but also has supported me through the grieving period, so much so that I have been able to support people going through the same experience, working with the voluntary wing of the Macmillan charity.